You want to support us? That’s great!
Historically, indigenous people have been subject to various direct attacks on their cultures. Women and men have been stripped of their lands, their customs and their forms of organisation. Nowadays, their struggle continues with the extractivist politics that try to invade their lands and their territories to exploit their common goods.
In this context, Tequio Jurídico has been struggling more than 20 years side by side with the people in the defence of their collective rights. However, for our efforts to have greater impact, we need the support of civil society. You can contribute to the diffusion of information and materials, raise the awareness of the people around you, especially outside of Mexico, participate in activities and report violations of human rights wherever you see them.
Voluntary work
In the time of its existence, Tequio Jurídico has hosted various voluntary workers and has supported various field studies.
Since 2012 the organization has continuously received voluntary workers from the «weltwärts» programme of the German government.
Voluntary workers have come to Tequio Jurídico with various levels of experience, from coming directly from high school to having already postgraduate studies.
If you are interested in doing any social work, voluntary work or field studies with Tequio Juridico, please contact us.
Your economic support is greatly appreciated and very important to continue our work in the defence of indigenous peoples.
You can select of the links below to donate via PayPal or use the following data to make your donation come to us via friends:
Account Owner: Mle Revret Annette
Subject: Donation to Tequio Jurídico
IBAN: FR04 2004 1010 0818 7096 4W02 971
Euro USD Dollar
If you would like to contact us or if you are interested in more specific aspects of our work in the struggle of indigenous communities for their rights, contact us via the following contact form: