Below are our publications available in English.
Video: Armando de la Cruz, Coordinator of Tequio Jurídico #MakeThemVisible
Video in spanish with english subtitles
In this video Armando de la Cruz Cortes, lawyer and coordinator of Tequio Jurídico talks about the work of Tequio Jurídico and the threats faced by indigenous communities, principally the privatisation of communal land and mining concessions.
Report «Justice for San José del Progreso»
This report addresses the human rights violations suffered by the people of San José del Progreso due to the Fortuna Silver Mines Company. (English version)
All of our publications in Spanish are available on this site in Publicaciones.
Below are some our most recent publications (ES), If you are interested in finding out more, or requiring anything translated, please contact
Territorial Rights and Defense of Land
Strategies of Mining Companies in Chontal Territory
This publication focusses on strategies used by of mining companies in the Chontal region, of which the majority are Canadian. These strategies include deception and fraud, strategic power relationships with local, state and federal government, as well as the involvement of organised crime in some cases. View publication.
Mining Concessions in Chontal Territory – 2nd edition
This publication addresses the mining industry in general – its stages, the different kinds of projects there are, and its social and environmental impacts. We explain what mining concessions are, and what implications they have for indigenous territories, including a summary of the existing concessions in the Chontal region. Finally, we give some recommendations for the protection of indigenous land faced with the threat of mining activity.
This is a compilation of articles and materials from various authors and organisations (including Tequio Jurídico) that we have compiled and distributed in communities, with the goal of providing information on the various threats to indigenous territory.
Rights of Women
In 2015, Tequio Jurídico conducted research on the current situation of women’s agrarianrights and participation in agrarian assemblies in three Chontal communities – Santa Lucía Mecaltepec, San Miguel Chongos y Santa María Candelaria – to see if there were differences in how men and women participated, and therefore to what extent women were involved in the process of the defending their territories
Opening pathways towards community justice: Learning Together with Chontal Women
From 2008 to 2011, Tequio Jurídico conducted training activities in women’s rights and gender violence prevention. This publication «Opening pathways towards community justice» is the conclusion of a project entitled: Indigenous Chontal Women Recovering Learnings for Community Justice and a Life Free from Violence. The goal of this project was to systematize the experiences of indigenous women in exercising their right to a life free from violence and to access to justice within their communities.
Video: Systematization of Tequio Jurídico’s work with Chontal women
In 2014, the Rights of Women Pathway of Tequio Jurídico systematized the process of accompaniment of Chontal women from the year 2008. The goal of the systematizacion was to evaluate the exercise of the rights of women and their access to justice within their communities, identifying the changes that have occurred in their lifetimes, and the challenges involved in achieving a life free from violence.
En el 2014, la Vereda de los Derechos de las Mujeres de Tequio Jurídico sistematizó el proceso de acompañamiento a mujeres chontales desde el año 2008. La sitematización tuvo como objetivo hacer una valoración del ejercicio de los derechos de las mujeres y el acceso a la justicia desde sus comunidades, identificando los cambios que se han presentado en sus vidas y los retos que enfrentamos para el acceso a una vida sin violencia.